Talking with marija pikic


Marija Pikic is a smart and talented young actress who we met at the 48th (annual?) Pesaro Film Festival, where she presented her new movie Djeca – Children of Sarajevo. We were very grateful to have met her, as the meeting was really interesting and helped us to grow, both artisically and individually. All of this has given rise to an interview with Marija Pikic that we are glad to share with you.


Regarding your acting style in the movie, how did you prepare for this role? We know that it was very difficult but feel free to explain your feelings.

It was very interesting process for me. The character of Rahima is actually the very opposite of mine. She is everything I am not. She belongs to the other culture, dialect, mentality, religion…so I had to learn and adapt many things to myself. To make them be natural part of me and not something artificial. I had a dialect coach, many classes with kitchen chief – watching him work and absorbing his moves, feelings and behavior in the surrounding of kitchen. But most of all, process I have been trought with Aida was most important. Intimate conversations, advices…were key issues.


Why did you decide to be part of this project?

. I decided to make this movie because it talks the story of one generation of people. That is the generation I presonally belong to. Those are the people in twenties who are supprosed to be in some kind of social focus but are in fact marginalized.


At Pesaro I was very glad to see you so happy about receiving the award from youg jury, explain to me why

It was maybe the biggest award but not like professionaly and at the level of the Festival but in a human way. It was very moving. That young people are my peers who live in a completely different country, culture..and knowing they felt and understood the story of their peers is really amazing. That is the biggest price for all our work.


What are your expectations for your future, your career

I still don’t know. I have nothing specifically in plan. There are some projects on the table but I am not sure which and when will bw realised.


Do you have any preferances regarding the films you choose? Which (genre or type of film) do you prefer to act in?

Any genre and type of the movie can be interestihg for something. Professionaly I have to watch everything- both good and bad films, to I can know what is bed and what am I not supprosed to do in front of the camera. Each movie is a challenge for itself and I, as an actor, am trying to beat them.

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